United Arab Emirates Tax ID Numbers
Emirates ID (EID)
For Individuals, Example: 793-1983-9234567-3
The Emirates ID is a 15-digit number. The format is typically like this: 784-YYYY-NNNNNNN-N, where YYYY represents the year of birth, and N represents a unique number. This is a unique identification number issued to residents of the UAE. While it's not specifically a tax ID, it is used for various government services and may be linked to tax-related activities.
Tax Registration Number (TRN)
For Entities, VAT, Example: 923456789012345
The TRN is a 15-digit number, typically in the format: 123456789012345. For businesses registered for Value Added Tax (VAT) in the UAE, a Tax Registration Number (TRN) is issued. VAT was introduced in the UAE in 2018, and businesses meeting certain criteria are required to register and obtain a TRN for VAT purposes.
Verify tax ID numbers with Tax ID Pro:
- Validate tax ID numbers one at a time or with a spreadsheet.
- Learn how to integrate Tax ID Pro into your own software.