South Korea Tax ID Numbers
Resident Registration Number (RRN)
For Individuals, Example: 971013-9019902
The Resident Registration Number (RRN) is 13-digits. The first six digits code the date of birth. The seventh digit encodes the century and gender. The next four digits encode the place of birth for Koreans or the issuing agency for foreigners, followed by two digits for the community center number, one serial number and a check digit. The RRN is issued to all residents of the Republic of Korea. Foreigners residing in the Republic of Korea receive an alien registration number (ARN) which follows the same pattern.
Business Registration Number (BRN)
For Entities, Example: 116-82-00276
The Business Registration Number (BRN) is 10 digits. The first three digits contain the tax office number, the next two digits indicate the type of business, the next four digits are a serially assigned value, and the last digit is a check digit. The BRN is issued by the district tax office in the local jurisdiction for tax purposes.
Verify tax ID numbers with Tax ID Pro:
- Validate tax ID numbers one at a time or with a spreadsheet.
- Learn how to integrate Tax ID Pro into your own software.