Romania Tax ID Numbers
Cod Numeric Personal (CNP)
For Individuals, Example: 1630615123457
The Romanian CNP is 13 digits in the format NNNNNNNNNNNNN. It includes information on the individual's gender, date of birth, and country zone. It is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and it is also used by the tax administration.
Codul Unic de Inregistrar (CUI)
For Entities, Example: 923 456 72
The Romanian Codul Unic de Inregistrare (CUI) is 8 digits in the format NNN NNN NN with an optional prefix of RO. It is assigned to companies that are required to register with the Romanian Trade Register.
Cod de Inregistrare in Scopuri de TVA (CF)
For VAT, Example: RO16109528
The Romanian CF is up to 10 digits in length with an optional prefix of RO. It is used for VAT purposes.
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