Norway Tax ID Numbers
Fodselsnummer (FN)
For Individuals, Example: 151086 95088
The Fodselsnummer is 11 digits in the format NNNNNN NNNNN. The date of birth of the individual is encoded into the number, followed by a serial number and two check digits.
Organisasjonsnummer (ORGNR)
For Entities, Example: 823 456 786
The Organisasjonsnummer is 9 digits in the format NNN NNN NNN where the last digit is a checksum.
Merverdiavgift (MVA)
For VAT, Example: 923 456 783 MVA
The Merverdiavgift is 12 characters in the format NNN NNN NNN AAA. The first 9 digits are an Organisasjonsnummer, which is followed by the letters MVA. It may have an optional prefix of NO.
Verify tax ID numbers with Tax ID Pro:
- Validate tax ID numbers one at a time or with a spreadsheet.
- Learn how to integrate Tax ID Pro into your own software.