Malaysia Tax ID Numbers
Nombor Cukai Pendapatan (ITN)
For Individuals, Entities, Example: IG115002000
The Malaysian Nombor Cukai Pendapatan or Income Tax Number (ITN) is 12 or 13 characters in length in the format AA NNNNNNNNNNN. The first one or two letters indicate the type of individual or entity. Both individuals and entities who are registered taxpayers with the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) are assigned an ITN. In the absence of an ITN, a functional equivalent would be in relation to individual is the Malaysian National Registration Identity Card Number (NRIC Number).
National Registration Identity Card Number (NRIC)
For Individuals, Entities, Example: 770305-02-1234
The Malaysian NRIC number is 12 digits in the format NNNNNN-NN-NNNN where the first 6 digits encode the date of birth, followed by two digits that encode the birth place. The final digit is even for females and odd for males. The NRIC is a unique identifier issued to Malaysian citizens and permanent residents. It is sometimes used in place of an ITN if the citizen has not been issued an ITN.
Sales and Service Tax Number (SST)
For Individuals, Entities, VAT, Example: X89-2104-12345678
The Malasian SST number has 15 alphanumeric characters in the format ANN-YYMM-NNNNNNNN where the middle group of numbers is the year and month of registration. It may be requested from government by registering with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department.
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- Learn how to integrate Tax ID Pro into your own software.