Isle of Man Tax ID Numbers

National Insurance Number (NINO)

For Individuals, Example: MA123456A

The Isle of Man National Insurance Number is 9 characters in the format AANNNNNNA, where A is a letter and N is a number. The final letter is either A, B, C, or D. All individuals of working age (16-65) in employment are required to have a NINO which is issued either by the Isle of Man Income Tax Division or Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) if the person has lived and worked in the UK prior to residing in the Isle of Man.

Tax Reference Number (TRN)

For Individuals, Entities, Example: H123456-78

The Isle of Man Tax Reference Number is 9 characters in the format ANNNNNN-NN, where A is a letter and N is a number. Individual Tax Reference Numbers are prefixed with the letter "H", Companies "C", and Trusts, Foundations and Partnerships "X". The use of a two-digit suffix is considered optional. This format is used by the Isle of Man Income Tax Division for both individuals and businesses. The Isle of Man, while a self-governing British Crown Dependency, maintains its own tax system separate from the UK's HMRC.

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