Ireland Tax ID Numbers
Personal Public Service Number (PPS)
For Individuals, Example: 9234567AA
The Irish Personal Public Service Number (PPS) is 8 or 9 characters in the format NNNNNNNAA and it includes a checksum. In 2024, the Department of Social Protection (DSP) has begun to issue PPS numbers ending with the character 'B'. The PPS is used by the Revenue Commissioners to identify taxpayers. PPS-numbers are issued automatically on birth registration for children born in the country. Anyone else must make application at an office of the Department of Social Protection.
Tax Reference Number (TRN)
For Individuals, Entities, VAT, Example: IE 1234567FA
The Irish Tax Reference Number (TRN) is 8 or 9 characters in the format NNNNNNXAA with an optional prefix of IE when used as a VAT number. A TRN is issued by the Revenue Commissioners when a non-natural person registers for tax, and is subsequently used by the Revenue Commissioners to identify those taxpayers. Non-natural persons can be Companies, Partnerships, Trusts, and Unincorporated Bodies and it is not reported on official documents of identification.
Verify tax ID numbers with Tax ID Pro:
- Validate tax ID numbers one at a time or with a spreadsheet.
- Learn how to integrate Tax ID Pro into your own software.