Hungary Tax ID Numbers
Adoazonosito Jel (AJ)
For Individuals, Example: 8565651235
The Hungarian Adoazonosito Jel (AJ) is 10 digits where the first digit is always an 8 and indicates the that the TIN holder is an individual, digits 2-6 are the number of days between the date of January 1, 1867 and the date of birth of the individual, digits 7-9 are randomly generated, and the 10th digit is a check digit.
Entity Number (EN)
For Entities, Example: 10484878-1-44
The Hungarian Entity Number (EN) is 11 digits. The first 8 digits identify the owner of the number, the 9th digit identifies the VAT status with a 2, 4, or 5 indicating it is registered as a VAT number and a 1 indicating it is not, and the last 2 digits are the territorial code of the tax office.
Kozossegi Adoszam (VAT)
For VAT, Example: HU17780010-2-44
The Hungarian Kozossegi Adoszam (VAT) is an 8 or 11-digit number with an optional prefix of HU. For 11-digit numbers, the ninth digit designates VAT registration status: 2, 4, or 5 signifies a VAT-registered number, while 1 indicates no VAT registration. The final two digits represent a territorial code.
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- Learn how to integrate Tax ID Pro into your own software.