France Tax ID Numbers
Numero Immatriculation Fiscale (NIF)
For Individuals, Example: 3023217600053
The French NIF consists in 13 numerals (format: NN NN NNN NNN NNN). The first digit of the TIN is always 0, 1, 2 or 3. The French tax authorities issue a tax identification number to all individuals with a tax obligation in France. This TIN is given at the time of the registration of the individual in the databases of the French tax administration. This number is unique, reliable and fixed for ever. The French name of the TIN is known as the numéro fiscal de référence or numéro SPI.
For Entities, Example: 652 008 442
The French Numéro SIREN consists in 9 numerals (format NNN NNN NNN). As soon as they are created, French entities (and individuals carrying out business activities) have an identification number issued by a governmental authority. This number is used for several purposes, including for tax purpose. This number is known as the numéro SIREN.
Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutee (TVA)
For VAT, Example: Fr 40 303 265 045
The VAT number in France consists of the country code (FR) followed by 11 digits, e.g. FRNNNNNNNNNNN.
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