Finland Tax ID Numbers

Henkilötunnus (HETU)

For Individuals, Example: 131052-308T

The form of the Finnish personal identification number consists of 11 characters. The personal identification number is used, among other things , when dealing with the authorities , identifying the person's identity and in official documents concerning the person.

Y-tunnus (YT)

For Entities, Example: 5077474-1

In Finland, a Business ID (Y-tunnus) is a 9 digit number accorded to a business as soon as its notification is entered in the Business Information System by either the PRH, the Tax Administration, or any of the local register offices.

Arvonlisaveronumero (ALV)

For VAT, Example: FI 30774744

In Finland, the ALV number (Arvonlisäveronumero, or Finnish VAT number) is 8-digits with a weighted checksum.

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