Estonia Tax ID Numbers

Isikukood (IK)

For Individuals, Example: 26805280108

The Estonian Isikukood (IK) Isikukood is 11 digits in the format NNNNNNNNNNN where the first digit indicates gender and century of birth, the following six digits are the date of birth, which is followed by a three-digit serial number and a check digit.

Registrikood (RN)

For Entities, Example: 92345675

The Estonian Registrikood is 8 digits in the format NNNNNNNN where the first digit indicates the type of entity, and the last digit is a check digit. Registrikood numbers are assigned by the commercial register, state register, or non-profit register. Company numbers begin with a 1, schools and government agencies begin with a 7, non-profit organizations begin with an 8, and foundations begin with a 9.

Kaibemaksukohuslase (VAT)

For VAT, Example: 723456782

The Estonian Kaibemaksukohuslase (VAT number) is 9 digits in the format NNNNNNNNN with an optional prefix of EE. This number is available for lookup within the VIES VAT registration system.

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