Brazil Tax ID Numbers

Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF)

For Individuals, Example: 390.533.447-05

The Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) is 11 digits in the format NNN.NNN.NNN-NN. The 2 last numbers are the result of an arithmetic operation on the 9 previous ones. It is the Brazilian identification number assigned to individuals for tax purposes.

Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Juridica (CNPJ)

For Entities, VAT, Example: 16.727.230/0001-97

The Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Juridica (CNPJ) is 14 digits in the format NN.NNN.NNN/NNNN-NN. It is issued by the national register of legal entities. The first 8 digits identify the company, the following 4 digits identify a business unit and the last 2 digits are check digits.

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