Bangladesh Tax ID Numbers
Tax Identification Number (TIN)
For Individuals, Example: 823456789016
The Bangladeshi Tax Identification Number (TIN), also known as an e-TIN, is a 12-digit number used for individual income tax identification purposes. TINs are issued by the National Board of Revenue, and are used for residents and non-residents alike.
Business Identification Number (BIN)
For Entities, VAT, Example: 9234567890127
The modern Bangladeshi Business Identification Number (BIN) is a 13-digit number issued by the National Board of Revenue. On November 30, 2019, the NBR made the old BINs comprising 9 digits and 11 digits invalid and made the use of the 13-digit online BINs, also known as e-BINs, mandatory for all types of business activities.
Verify tax ID numbers with Tax ID Pro:
- Validate tax ID numbers one at a time or with a spreadsheet.
- Learn how to integrate Tax ID Pro into your own software.