Australia Tax ID Numbers
Tax File Number (TFN)
For Individuals, Example: 320928344
The Australian Tax File Number (TFN) is an 8 (older numbers) or 9-digit number with the last digit being a check digit. It is issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to taxpaying individuals and organisations. A business has both a TFN and an Australian Business Number (ABN).
Business Number (ABN)
For Entities, VAT, Example: 92873837267
The Australian Business Number (ABN) is 11 digits, where the last two digits are check digits. It is an identifier issued to entities registered in the Australian Business Register (ABR).
Verify tax ID numbers with Tax ID Pro:
- Validate tax ID numbers one at a time or with a spreadsheet.
- Learn how to integrate Tax ID Pro into your own software.