Switzerland Tax ID Numbers

Sozialversicherungsnummer (SSN)

For Individuals, Example: 756.9217.0769.85

The Swiss SSN is a 12-digit number in the format NNN.NNNN.NNNN.NN. It is also known as "Neue AHV Nummer". The Sozialversicherungsnummer is used to identify individuals for taxation and pension purposes.

Unternehmens-Identifikationsnummer (UID)

For Entities, Example: CHE-123.456.788

The Swiss UID is 12 characters beginning with the letters CHE, followed by 9 digits where the last digit is a checksum in the format CHE-NNN.NNN.NNN. The Swiss UID is used to uniquely identify businesses for taxation purposes.

Mehrwertsteuernummer (VAT)

For VAT, Example: CHE-207.787.572 IVA

The Swiss VAT number is 15 or 16 characters in length, made up of the business identification number in the format AAA-NNN.NNN.NNN AAA. The prefix is CHE and the suffix is MWST, TVA, or IVA. Every Swiss company has a business identification number.

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