Spain Tax ID Numbers

Número de Identificación (NIE)

For Individuals, Example: X-2482300W

The NIE is 9 characters in the format A-NNNNNNNA where the first character is either X, Y or Z and last character is a checksum letter. It is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to everyone who is not a Spanish citizen.

Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI)

For Individuals, Example: 74362315-A

The DNI is 9 characters in the format NNNNNNNN-A. The ast digit is a checksum letter. It is used to identify Spanish citizens. Generally, the number is on found on a National Identity Card, issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Numero de Identificacion Fiscal (NIF)

For Individuals, Entities, VAT, Example: ES B99416588

The NIF is 9 digits with an optional prefix of ES when used for VAT purposes. It is a tax identification number for citizens, foreign individuals, and legal entities. The first digit is a letter (denoting the type of entity) and the last is a check digit which may also be a letter. The number may also be used for VAT identification.

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